
Our Story
The umbrella body, Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta), was set up by Comunn na Gàidhlig in 1994 as a direct response to parental request. All areas with local CnP groups are able to be represented on the national committee, thus ensuring that all parents can have a voice at national level. There are currently six members of staff employed by Comunn na Gàidhlig including a parental officer, development officer, family language officer and three in an early year's team. CnP(N) is now a well-established group and as well as encouraging local CnP groups to promote GME and providing resources for this, we manage a ‘Parental Advisory Scheme’ which employs parents who have experience of GME to carry out promotional activities with parents of pre-school children. The CnP Parental Officer works closely with the Bòrd na Gàidhlig education team.
How do I get involved in CnP?
Many areas with Gaelic medium education provision have a local Comann nam Pàrant Committee. CnP groups are open to all parents with children in GME, at any level from pre-school to secondary, and parents are encouraged to attend CnP general meetings.
If there is no CnP group in your area and you wish to establish a group, the procedure is quite straightforward. The Development Officer will met with you, talk you through the CnP Constitution, explain what a CnP group can do in a community and answer any questions you may have on the matter. Contact us if you wish to establish a new group.
Benefits in having a local group
Local CnP groups are considered very important for a number of reasons;
They bring parents whose children are being educated through the medium of Gaelic together to discuss issues which affect the education of their children at all levels
A CnP group can act as a good support mechanism for the school providing Gaelic medium education, working in conjunction with Parent Councils
Office bearers of a CnP committee can speak on behalf of all parents with authority. Councils, schools, etc. appreciate dealing with parental representatives rather than many individuals
Being constituted community groups, they can attract funding that a school cannot
Parents with children in Gaelic medium education can promote GME within their own localities
They endeavour to support extra curricular Gaelic medium activities, including the work of the Gaelic youth clubs, Sradagan